

What can I do when I have debts?

If you are in debt and realise that you no longer have control of your finances, you should act quickly and obtain help from a professional debt adviser. The earlier the better! The longer you wait, the further your debts will mount up, increasing the problems that accompany the debts.


Charitable debt advice centres exist in various cantons. Other points of contact are the social services departments within municipalities, and churches. The debt adviser will first help you to get an overall view of your financial situation, after which he or she will help you to devise a budget to clear your debts. The adviser will also contact those people to whom you owe money (creditors). They will be asked to suspend the debt whilst you sort out your financial affairs (subsequent payment of outstanding invoices, payment in instalments).


  • Beratungsstelle für Schuldenfragen - Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Graubünden

    Advice centre for debt issues (Rotes Kreuz Graubünden)Steinbockstrasse 27000 Chur081 258 45