Residence permit and residence permits for partners and children

Residence permit and residence permits for partners and children

Residence permit and residence permits for partners and children

Residence permits for EU/EFTA citizens can be applied for both before and after entering Switzerland. Residence permits to citizens of third states who are in employment (citizens of states who are not members of the EU/EFTA) will only be issued in exceptional cases. In other words, if they are qualified workers or there are special grounds that justify an exception.


Nationals of EU/EFTA member states can normally send for their family members irrespective of the type of residence permit they hold. Parents and children are deemed to be family members. Nationals of third countries who hold a residence permit may submit a request for family reunion (spouse and children) to the Office for Migration and Civil Law (Amt für Migration und Zivilrecht), taking into account the statutory requirements. The request for family reunion must be submitted within 5 years and, in the case of children older than 12, within one year.


At Grisons Office for Migration and Civil Law (Amt für Migration und Zivilrecht Graubünden) or on its website, there are information sheets on residence permits and family reunion with the most important information in German and Italian.


  • Amt für Migration und Zivilrecht Graubünden

    Grisons Office for Migration and Civil LawKarlihof 47001 Chur081 257 30