Social counselling services and social benefits

Social counselling services and social benefits

Social counselling services and social benefits

Grisons Social Security Office has a comprehensive mandate in the area of individual and family counselling and in economic social assistance.


Individual social counselling

The employees in the regional social services are responsible for individual counselling. In addition to the regional social services, there are specialised social services in the area of child protection, victim assistance and addiction problems. An overview of the regional and specialised social services can be found under the chapter «Addresses and links».


Financial social assistance

As a fundamental principle, everyone is responsible for earning his/her own livelihood himself/herself. People who have temporary or ongoing financial difficulties and are unable to solve these on their own, can claim social benefits. The requirement for this is that the person affected lives in the canton of Grisons.


Social benefits are only granted if the person has no claim to other statutory benefits, such as invalidity pension and the family or individual person cannot provide the financial assistance. The social benefits are calculated individually in every case and depend on the personal circumstances, the living costs, the income conditions and the duration of the assistance.


The calculation is done pursuant to the cantonal provisions and recommendations of the municipalities and the guidelines of the Swiss Conference on Social Benefits. In the canton of Grisons, the municipalities decide on the social benefits to be granted.



  • Kantonales Sozialamt Graubünden

    Grisons Cantonal Social Security OfficeGrabenstrasse 87000 Chur081 257 26